Sandnes Sparebank give us their support, thank you💛💛

Med Den gule bankens støtte får vi nå sendt nok en trailer med nødhjelp til Ukraina,

Takk til Sandnes Sparebank💛💛💛

English will follow. Det er med stor glede at vi kan informere om at Sandnes Sparebank støtter oss i vårt nødhjelpsarbeid i Ukraina. Vår lokale bank stiller opp og har tildelt oss midler fra «Den Gule Bankens Gave Fond» som gjør det mulig for oss å sende nok en trailer med nødhjelp til Ukraina. Med norsk drikkevann fra Fresh Water Norway og mange tusen måltider med tørket turmat fra Drytech bidrar Sandnes Sparebank’s økonomiske støtte til at nødhjrlpen raskt kommer dit den trengs mest. En stor takk rettes derfor til vår lokale gule sparebank! Slava Ukraini💛🇺🇦💙

It is with great pleasure that we can inform you that Sandnes Sparebank is supporting us in our emergency aid work for Ukraine. Our local bank stands up and has allocated us funds from "The Yellow Bank's Gift Fund", which enables us to send another trailer with emergency aid to Ukraine. With Norwegian drinking water from Fresh Water Norway and many thousands of meals of dried tour food from Drytech, Sandnes Sparebank's financial support helps ensure that the emergency aid quickly reaches where it is most needed. A big thank you is therefore addressed to our local yellow savings bank! Slava Ukraine💛🇺🇦💙

We are now in partnership with Drytech

We are now working with both Drytech and Fresh Water Norway to bring high quality dryed food and water to Ukraine  We need YOUR assistance to get the semi trailer to it's destination. Ørland Transport will bring it down to grately reduced price, our financial backers so far are Falkeid Shipping from Finnøy, Fresh Water Norway investor's, Merry Maid's from the USA and private individuals. Help us help Ukraine, use VIPPS or PAYPAL 💛🇺🇦💙

Water run 1 completed

25 pallets - 15 000 unites of water

Thank you Fresh Water Norway and Ørland Transport AS

Amazing news, our first trailer for Ukraine arrived at Caritas in Lazajsk at the border friday June 17th. Fresh Water Norway has donated 75 pallets of water in one and a half liter cans. We who know the consequences of Russia's warfare are well aware of the lack of fresh drinking water in eastern Ukraine.

Together with Fresh Water Norway, we try to help the hardest hit. Ørland Transport in Sandnes takes care of the transport and has reduced the price by as much as 75% 🇺🇦💙🙏🏻💛 

Many, many thanks to Fresh Water Norway, Ørland Transport for making our first Water run to Ukraine a success. We do not stop now, right enough 25 pallets / 15,000 cans of water have arrived, but we are now collecting money for Water run 2 and we only need NOK 4,000, - (ca USD 400,-) we hope for support, every penny helps, Paypal us if you can, Slava Ukraini.

Store nyheter, vår første trailer til Ukraina ankom Caritas i Lazajsk ved grensen i dag morges. Fresh Water Norway har donert 75 paller med vann i halvannenliter kartonger. Vi som kjenner konsekvensene av Russlands krigføring kjenner og godt til mangelen på fersk drikkevann i øst Ukraina.

Sammen med Fresh Water Norway prøver vi å hjelpe de hardest rammede. Ørland Transport i Sandnes tar seg av transporten og har senket prisen med hele 75%🇺🇦💙🙏🏻💛

Tusen, tusen takk til Fresh Water Norway og Ørland Transport for å gjøre vår første Water run to Ukraine en suksess. Vi stopper ikke nå, riktig nok er 25 paller/15 000 bokser med vann kommet frem, men vi samler nå inn penger til Water run 2 og vi mangler kun kr 4000,- vi håper på støtte, hver krone hjelper, Vipps oss på #745919💙🇺🇦💛 Slava Ukraini.

Thank you Merry Maids

Food run 3 is completed - 20 000 meals to Ukraine included 16 0000 baby meals.

We are teaming up with Fresh Water Norway to bring a minimum of 3 semi truck loads of fresh water in sealed cans to Ukraine as Ukraines some water reserves are poluted and we need YOUR help to bring this absolute necessity to the internally displaced refugees in Ukraine. Mostly children, their mothers and the elderly 🇺🇦💙💛 Help us help Ukraine 💙💛🇺🇦

We now got PayPal to make donations easy:


2nd food run to Ukraine in 5 weeks🇺🇦💙💛

We were happy to arrive once more at Caritas’s distribution in Lezajsk, by the Polish Ukraine border with 7500 baby meals, milk formula and tinned food supplies.

April 9th Lemonade stand at the local grocery store

150 piecees of lemon and lime, 23 liter / 8 gallons of lemonade and kr 5370,- in donations. Well done Sean & Aleksander

Nyhetsoppdatering/ News update

For Norwegians only, please support us using VIPPS #745918

Emergency Food Run to Ukraine invites you to help the people inside Ukraine. Our food runs matters, 15-20 % of all supplies that come in to Ukraine come from initiatives like ours. You helping us matters!!!!

Vi er nå etablert som en veldedig  organisasjon og vil få eget organisasjonsnummer omgående.

We are now an established legal cheritable organization. 

At Caritas in Lezajsk

At Caritas’s collection and distribution center in Lezajsk at the Ukraine border near Lviv.

Emergency Food Run to Ukraine invites you to help the people inside Ukraine. Our food runs matters, 15-20 % of all supplies that come in to Ukraine come from initiatives like ours. You helping us matters!!!!